Welcome to the St Aubyn Centre Therapeutic Education Department and thank you for visiting our website.
We know that the young people who come to us are facing enormous difficulties and that they, their families and their carers need support and understanding.
The Education staff include qualified teachers and skilled teaching assistants who have a wealth of knowledge and experience. Teamwork is a key component of our ethos and we work closely with other professionals within and beyond the unit.
We have particularly strong links with our sister unit in the South of Essex, the Poplar Adolescent Unit. As Executive Headteacher across both units I am able to ensure that we share expertise and support between the two teams, benefitting both.
Our young people are all individuals. For some coming to education will be a break from the other pressures in their lives and they will be keen to continue studying with us in preparation for returning to their own community schools. Others may have found school difficult and it will be our job to help them identify the problems and work towards solutions. Some young people will have dropped out of school altogether and in these cases we will be working with them to try to find a route back into education, employment or training in a way that is manageable and worthwhile for them. We have specialist teachers in many subjects including English, maths and science, and we support all levels of study from basic skills to A level.
We want all of our students to make progress in academic achievement and in the areas of resilience, self-esteem and hope for the future. Our personal, social and health education provision is a strength of our curriculum.
Over the years we have worked with many young people who have gone on to build stable, fulfilling lives and it is this belief in the possibility of recovery that keeps us optimistic and full of hope for the young people we work with.
This website will serve as an introduction to our school; if you require any further information please feel free to contact us.
Our Ethos – We provide a safe and nurturing, therapeautic environment in which young people can find hope and self-belief, build resilience and explore the next steps to a positive future. We offer a broad, flexible and ambitious curriculum. Our creative approach is individualised and focused on the needs and potential of the young people to enable and empower them as they move towards discharge from hospital.
Simon Turnnidge
Executive Headteacher, St Aubyn Centre Therapeutic Education Department and Poplar Adolescent Unit (Education)